Seven individuals who inspire and direct their lives in unique and meaningful ways, through and with;
Seven networks of family, friends, neighbours and allies who hold to a deeply held set of principles which guide them.
A strong belief in the importance of home and what that means to each individual
Consistent vision of developing a place of belonging in a community which is stronger when everyone takes part.
But at the heart of Deohaeko lies…
The truth that we are not supporting just seven people to lead lives of their own…
…but rather, we are supporting, modelling and building a lifestyle in our community which touches a least a few hundred people – family, friends old and new, neighbours, co-workers, fellow volunteers, the artists and musicians with whom they share a passion, shopkeepers and merchants, librarians and teachers, and many more – in ways that people say make a profound and positive difference in their own lives.
Painting by Tiffany Dawe
Sharing Tuesday
National Make a Difference Day - October 28, 2023
The Deohaeko Support Network appreciates the ongoing support of Delta Bingo over many years in helping to ensure that those who may not be as readily included in ordinary community life have better opportunity to participate and make valuable contributions.
Deohaeko Support Network received a cheque from Delta Bingo, Pickering at their AGM.
The cheque in the amount of $46,460.00 represents the cheque amount received from Delta Bingo for the year 2019.
Deohaeko Support Network has been a Proud Member of Delta Bingo Pickering for over 20 years.
Thank you for giving Deohaeko Support Network the opportunity to be part of the Delta Bingo, Pickering, Family of Charitable Organizations.
Somcan Canada through their Charitable Foundation sponsored a Silent Auction on behalf of Deohaeko Support Network from November 18 to December 5 2019.
At a cheque presentation held at Somcan’s office on December 20th Jay Davis, President of Somcan presented a cheque in the amount of $10.000.00 to Board members of Deohaeko Support Network.
Helen Dionne, Past President of Deohaeko Support Network thanked Jay and his Staff in supporting our Organization with this Wonderful Gift.
Receiving the recognition plaque is Jay Davies/President of Somcan – from Deohaeko Support Network for the funds raised from the Silent Auction.